5 mistakes cosmetic make older

Reveals the beauty experts aesthetic for errors relating to skin and hair that can make you look bigger in a lifetime, and give some tips to make you look better and more youthful.
1 - bright eye shadow
Yes, this may be the shadows gleaming modern, but put them with caution. The eye region is the first place to show signs of aging, because the skin in that area has no oil glands, and it can appear wrinkles as we get older. Gleaming shadows remain within the wrinkles and make you look older. Therefore, we advise you choose the faint shadows that can be maintained at a depth of color, but without the flashy effects.
2 - Soft Drinks
In the holiday season Avoid soft drinks. As drinking these substances causes dryness dilated blood vessels, making the skin look tired and unhealthy, but drinking water helps the skin to stay moist.
3 - very long hair
The biggest mistake is to be the story of your hair is very long and a drop-down. That leads to show facial heading toward the bottom. Alternatively, if the hair is the perfect size can raise your cheeks and more beautiful.
4 - nailing the eye area
The situation Almsamar are very close to your eyes make black and dark, which increases your younger look. To preserve youth, and health Radiance, Put Almsamar on outdoor areas, far from the eyes, just in order to get a glowing complexion.
5 - Do not mix cream foundation sponge
Think you Tkhvan by wrinkles cream base accumulated? Makeup can overload that have the opposite effect. After applying your foundation cream, Click gently by a damp makeup sponge all over your face, it removes make-up in the form of stable lines.