5 vitamins for young skin

The freshness of your skin and rejuvenated you need to stay away from junk food, saturated fat foods and colorful synthetic, and replace it with healthy foods rich in vitamins and useful nutrients for the skin.
One of the most important vitamins responsible for improving the appearance of the skin, and maintain freshness as follows:

1 - Vitamin A 
Vitamin A is one of the most prominent beauty vitamins, so that a shortage of quantity in the body to sear the skin and dry skin, in addition to the broken nail and trichorrhexis. And you can take advantage of vitamin A through the enjoyment of many foods such as carrots, oranges, apricots, parsley, spinach, egg yolks, and milk.

2 - Vitamin E 
The vitamin is responsible for preventing cell damage, and increase the purity of the skin. And can get this vitamin through many foods appetite Kallowes, nuts, peanuts, spinach, fish, and liver.

3 - Vitamin C 
This vitamin is one of the most powerful antioxidants, it helps in the manufacture of collagen, and reduces skin irritation, and reduces wrinkles of skin surface with age. One of the most important sources of this vitamin: orange, lemon, and green peppers, cabbage and melon.

4 - Vitamin B2 
This vitamin is responsible for preventing the emergence of cracks around the corners of the mouth, and resides in the yeast, milk, meat, and demilitarized grain crust
5 - Vitamin B6 
A vitamin that contributes to the reduction of red blisters injury, drought and redness around the mouth, and resides in bananas, wheat, chicken, and eggs.