6 natural cures for blackening the armpits

In fact, the armpits is exposed to air or light, while lead sweating, deodorant and hair removal to blackening the axillary region. Thus, we give you some remedies that will help you get rid of this problem.
1. Use lemon acid and other natural ingredients that give the skin whiter and peel off dead cells. Mix a little lemon juice with honey and put it under the armpits for 15 minutes, then wash mix. Repeat this treatment several times to get the best result.
2. You can also use baking soda armpits to Idahma after the shower, for a period of at least 10 minutes.
3. Mix lemon juice, cucumber juice and turmeric to make a paste, then put it on the armpits for 20 minutes, then nationalist wash area. This is the most effective treatment, as it whitens the armpits and gives them super softness.
4. Can use apple and grape juice also to whiten underarms, by placing the mixture for 20 minutes, before panning assessment.
5. Put apple cider vinegar which Sevit the dead cells and whitens the region. Apply daily for 15 minutes, and I am careful not to resort to soap to wash it, but Use water only.
6. Cut the fruit or potato option into small pieces, then put the pieces one after the other on the black spots, and rub gently in order to peel off dead cells. For easy to use, Mix potato juice with cucumber juice.