6 Secrets Greek aesthetic benefit your skin

When we speak of Greek civilization, we automatically think of beauty, because the ancient Greeks had a lot of secrets that allowed them to enjoy the beauty and unparalleled skin supple.
We offer you six secrets help you to reveal your beauty.
1. Sea salt: 
Greeks took advantage of near their country from the sea to take advantage of the benefits offered by the salty, as it can be used Huskers naturally, and rub the skin dry and get rid of dead cells and reveal the face of hurt and a young man. Salt is good also to open the pores of the closed face and get rid of the dirt and blackheads.
2. Nutritious foods: 
One of the benefits of living near the sea is the diversity of seafood, as well as fresh fruit and vegetables. This diversity offers them the opportunity to take up of fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6, vitamins and other vital minerals to maintain skin health and beauty.
3. Olive oil: 
It depends Greeks in the olive oil foot take care بجمالهم. This wonderful oil is rich in nutrients and other useful properties, and the use of appropriate in cosmetic treatments relating to heal the skin and scalp massage, to get gorgeous hair. Oil can also be used directly on the skin for fresh views.
4. Honey: 
This component also goes aesthetic great nutritious properties. Since ancient times, honey is resorting to skin care, across the rub on the face to get the skin supple and moist.
5. Milk: 
Use Greek yogurt for its delicious taste and its nutritious properties for the skin. In fact, works milk to nourish the skin exposed to sunlight and repair. And recommended its use in the form of a face mask.
6. Olive: 
Greeks realized in foot olive importance and health benefits, thus did not hesitate to use on the skin. In fact, mineral-filled with olive, as it is rich in features that fights the appearance of fungus and bacteria, making it an excellent ingredient for skin care.