7 Tips to apply liquid eyeliner

To highlight the beauty of the eyes begin using kohl in the right way. Therefore, the global beauty products offering different types of liquid eyeliner with multiple colors: classic black to red bold in the new collections, in addition to brush eyelid eyes to facilitate the development of kohl in a distinctive manner.
- You can choose the products which characterized by severe seamlessly and easily in the under-eye situation, in addition to its bright new colors.
- But if you are not a professional in applying kohl not fixed, however, you can do a simple way to draw your eyes. Begin put kohl pen dry first, then Khvfah the, prior to carrying put Gl liquid on the line decree.
- After placing the liquid eyeliner you can manipulate color. Try bold colors lay down eye for a captivating look and more attractive.
- You can also use different colors for a special appearance in the evening. Draw a distinctive color above the eye, leaving a vacuum between the line and the simple blinking, then Fill this the Bekhal black vacuum color.
- If you want to get a dramatic appearance special, you can put a line of liquid eyeliner above the eye, in addition to the more prominent line under the eye.
- If you love to the simple appearance, you can draw a nice line of kohl with a slightly prolong tip, at the outer corner of the eye.
- Try to keep the chopsticks and cotton make-up remover near you to correct any error.