Arab starlets decorated Pal Tattoo

The tattoo or the Tattoo craze is not new, but it still raises controversy in the Arab world, especially after the emergence of many celebrities, during the last period. Has raised the tattoo that appeared Egyptian actress Menna Shalabi, through its presence Showing her last "after signed" in Cairo, considerable controversy, because she Schmidt word "God" to help her left, has led to trap a lot of people and snorted new. He was previously Menna Shalabi that popping another , is is a Krzatan on her shoulder, during the festival "was" Film Festival, this year.
As well as a number of Najmat choosing and Shuma feminine soft. Have and Schmidt Haifa kind tearful on her shoulder and a big flower on her leg, while Elisa and Maysam Nahas Fajtarta butterfly, while deliberately starlets others to choose tattoos express power, such as: Carol Saqr that Schmidt shoulders Sakr, and Nicole Saba that chose Falcon also helped , and well as ment Vdhala. The Lebanese anchorwoman Nada Fadel chose Falcon tattoo on her shoulder.
The actress Ghada Abdel Razek, Vahpt that mimic tattoos Angelina Jolie, a word "determination"; and it also has another tattoo is the word "Faith" on the other arm;