Bright views on wedding

Every bride should start preparing themselves before the wedding date at least two months; since the change, which every girl's dream to her skin and her hair may require a long time to get the result of your dreams. Therefore, the "Madam Net" offers you these steps to get the most beautiful views in the night life:
• It is best to choose a beauty expert you trust his work, or should be doing to visit Beauty expert several times before the wedding date so accustomed to your face and mastered the knowledge of cosmetic touches that suits you, so pray to the panoramic that you want to appear.
• Nfve of care sessions for the face and nails six weeks before the wedding date.
• Do not Taatarda the abundance of the sun's heat to avoid any peeling or difference in the color of your skin; But if you Mohabbat get a suntan, you can replace it with this period in other ways a spray tan spray tanning.
• a national weekly massage sessions, for a month before the wedding date to calm your nerves and get rid of pressures; Fjelsat the massage helps to relax, what positive impact on the shining face.
• water the makeup with several things, including the timing of the wedding. The wedding was in the daytime, for example, or in the summer, makeup should be lighter than the makeup of the night or Makeup winter. Also, the color of the skin Oalhar may identify some make-up colors. Valepeshrh white and convenience blonde some colors that may not suit skinned, and vice versa.
• Take into account that the makeup imaging differs from the make-up than normal, as the basis of the face on which shades of yellow color steals the camera lights, also prefer to get away from the development of bright colors on the face or eyes; because they reflect negatively on the image, while the solution is the most appropriate use of powder non-glossy.
• Finally, bitch about the specified routes on the eyes and determine the lip color darker than the color of your lips, as well as make-up very strong, it is better to have a face of the bride bright, , and clean, and limited its role to highlight the features beautiful face, with hide the flaws , if any.