When notice thick hair loss, they must find the cause of the problem. "Madam Net" reveals to you the underlying causes that lead to hair loss in women, Vtarafa different ways that allow you to avoiding such a problem in the future.
1 - iron deficiency
Can low levels of iron in the body that cause hair loss. We recommend eating more red meat and iron-rich vegetables, or even try taking the supplements to solve this problem.
2 - Lack of minerals
The minerals on diversity is very important for hair growth, but the most important zinc and selenium. Even if you're taking fresh fruit every day, it does not enter enough of these minerals to your body for the enjoyment of healthy hair, we recommend therefore eat supplements that contain natural extract specifically designed to strengthen hair and strengthen and prevent hair loss.
3 - hypothyroidism:
Hormones play a key role in the health and growth of hair. When this gland specifically unable to work properly, can low hormone levels that affect hair growth, even if within the normal rates. If you suffer from any other symptoms indicate hypothyroidism, including fatigue, dry skin, constipation, difficulty in losing weight or maintain it, So try not to be the origin of the problem gland.
4 - stages of hair loss
Formed the hair growth cycle of three phases: anagen catagen and hair loss, knowing that the final phase is lasting more. The loss effluvium phenomenon that shorten the life cycle experienced by the hair to grow. May be due to pregnancy or intense daily pressure or sudden weight loss or certain traffic shocked or even taking certain medications ... therefore talk to your doctor.
5 - genetic reasons
If you think that the reasons behind the hereditary hair loss, I have noticed this too when other women in Slaltk, Fastamla special medicine to stop hair loss or at least delay it.