For teens ... How to're eyebrows order the?

Everyone knows the importance of eyebrows in the face and its significant role in coordinating features Beauty and the shape of the eye, but always facing the difficulties of adolescence is in her mother's objection to remove excess hair from  the young age. "Madam Net" is provided for each teenager a simple way to arrange the eyebrows, without having to remove their hair, as well as a way to intensify the eyebrows and fill in the blanks in them.
The tools that you need are:
1 - pen to hide defects .
2 - Powder with the same skin color.
3 - Makeup Remover.
4 - Brush eyebrows.
5 - To intensify eyebrows and Tthagalha, you need to cream the basis of and chopsticks cotton remained eyeliner pencil or black liquid.
6 - In addition to that you need the atmosphere is calm so professionally evaluated this way and arrange your eyebrows, best picture, and  how Taatgueniha with time.
• Cleanse your face thoroughly before you start, then Dress Petrtaibh.
• National combed eyebrows and Thvebhma the appropriately, by brush brows.
• To hide the excess hair in the eyebrows you thus:
1 - little powder with a soft sponge just below the eyebrows.
2 - Use a pen to hide defects, and a national draw slashes the bottom of your eyebrows, to hide the black hairs scattered.
3 - Repeat the same step highest eyebrows.
• If you have an event or a special evening and I wanted to get on the distinctive appearance of your eyebrows, you can be evaluating Petktifama by cream base and black shadows are as follows:
1 national status little cream base on promises of cotton and specify your eyebrows, this step contributes to hide any excess hair, as well as they make the process of filling the black eyebrow shade easier and more stable.
2 Belli brush make-up one point from water, then Amliha the black shade. And nationalist specify eyebrows from abroad over the limits of cream base that you applied a short while ago.
3 Start by filling in the blanks within the eyebrow by black shadows.
4 تكثري not the amount of black color on the brow so as not to give you an artificial look or look bigger than your age.
5 You can using transparent Almscara on eyebrow to install color.
6 In the end Use the brush to arrange your eyebrows eyebrows.