How Alon my hair at home?

If you want to change of Atalaltk, you should be doing your nearest Beauty Centre for the enjoyment of the story felt different or unique makeup, or even a new hair color. But if you do not have sufficient budget to visit the beauty centers, or you who prefer to change Atalalthen themselves, here are the steps to coloring your hair at home with the enjoyment of the highest degrees of protection and moisturizing the hair.
- Choose the type of dye that would prefer to get rich and attractive color. But if your hair Java and , then you must choose dye contains nourishing and moisturizing elements even not believe protection for your hair from damage.
- Make sure to read the dye pack components. National and choose nutritious attached Bbulsm the dye, because the Balsam restores vital to hair dye, as it proves color and protects the hair and gives him strength and luster.
- Before you start changing your hair color, Keep Taveth the masks and warm oil pools in order to be the best case after the color change. Poetry health Samhank Luna coolest and best result last longer.
- When choosing a color dye, make sure that the result will not be color matched to the color displayed on the tray dye; Every nature and degree of hair color is different from the other. If the blond hair, the result can be a lighter color to one degree or two degrees of color displayed; But if your hair is very black, the color can be dark most of the color displayed on the box to one degree or two degrees.
- After completion of the hair coloring, wash your hair with lukewarm water to get rid of the dye material, then wash your hair a final wash with cold water to retain and give him a lot of sparkle.
- Finish coloring of hair nourishing conditioner status. When dry hair Click it gently, by the towel without rubbing; Valfrck may cause break your hair, especially hair after dye is fragile.
- To restore vitality and strength to your hair, use conditioner on an ongoing basis, a poolside cream for your hair on a weekly basis and oil bath once a month.