Julia Roberts: "baking soda and behind Jamal smile"

Revealed American actress Julia Roberts for InStyle magazine that the secret beauty of her bright smile lies in her daily routine based on the use of baking soda to brush your teeth. Roberts added that her grandfather was followed this daily habit. As a result, he spent his life enjoy healthy teeth free from decay.
Roberts says that as a mother has many concerns, it lacks the time required for the attention of their beauty, which requires them to follow this routine that provides them the effort and time.
It also authorizes Roberts, saying: "I learned the importance of keeping black glasses Shams in handy before you go out of the house," she said: "The mascara make you  a comfortable, like you woke up from a long nap." So Julia resort to this preparation, that save time, to add luster to .
In terms of BOTOX and plastic surgery, the award-winning actress Oscar supports everything that makes women feel good.