Nadine Njeim: away from make-up because of my pregnancy

Special imaging Madam 
Idea and format: a fourth-Zayat, Wehbe Lens: Jean Claude Bejjani Makeup: Nadine - Poetry: Peace Salon Tony Sawaya
Clothing stores: Zmilelee Beirut accessories of Goods: Accessories Beirut
Floral: Fleur Art decor implementation: Misha Deco
The Nadine Nassib Najim coming from the world of beauty to acting, that maternal great responsibility, especially it was the first experience in this area.
And confirms Miss Lebanon 2004 and represented that its focus during pregnancy had her baby and not a beauty, although it has natural beauty dispense resort to putting makeup on a daily basis, and only sufficiency solar بالواقي. It was this dialogue:
It is known that pregnant skin and hair are greatly influenced by a number of external and internal factors that lose their beauty and serenity.

How affected skin and hair changes pregnancy? 
The skin pregnant very different from skin Ms. regular, and this is normal because of changing hormones during pregnancy, and therefore resort always to use a moisturizer for the skin and pull away as possible from the fiber, and focus in the bathroom on the water temperate and stay away from hot water; because they cause dry skin. The doctor advised me to eat some vitamins for hair during pregnancy first; to prevent hair loss and suffering some health problems, poetry does not hurt much during pregnancy but postnatal hurt because of hormones also change and health fluctuations experienced by the woman's body.

What are the tips and instructions that help you get a fresh complexion and pure? 
In general, when I knew I was pregnant, much moved away from make-up, except for some special occasions a representation for a particular magazine cover, for example. And very happy people's reaction when were Ashahdonna in a shop without makeup and my nature. They were always telling me that natural beauty does not need to hide it, knowing that I feel tired because of pregnancy, but I was convinced this argument and settled for only by resorting to sunscreen.
I will not hide a secret if I say that a normal pregnancy gives freshness to the skin that remain comfortable through without makeup.

Are masks (masks) do you use for your skin natural or your body? 
There is no natural GA catches it, but I am counting clean my skin daily before and after sleep by soap and lotion and then moistened, and put cream day or night, and two from natural herbs.
Is it specific instructions Tatmedinha of the nail so as not to break?
Of course, I take some medicines for this, and vitamins prevent broken and cracked nails, and are free of synthetic materials.

At some point after birth, Will beauty care of your priorities, and How Stofiqin between concern yourself and Bmolodtk? 
In the first period, attention will be focused on the girl child, especially as my first experience of motherhood, and I need some time to get used to the way food and sleep ... This means that the first period will be dedicated to them alone, but this does not mean that care about myself and Bjamali and I'm at home, that was to hand my hair or my nails ...