Najmat expert reveals the secrets of makeup Jennifer Lopez

Characterized by global star Jennifer Lopez always chosen for bronze views that make it radiant, every time they appear on the red carpet. If you you like the Latin appearance of a global star. Here is an expert Beauty star Daniel Sandler explains how to get it step by step:

Initially, a national application of a cream base that fits the nature of your skin color, then use Concealer or Alkoncelr, then translucent powder on the face.
To the skin glow of the sea and the sun, the sun Put powder on the chin, cheeks, and forehead; preferably use medium Baltdrjat.
Classless pale shadows using a large brush to fill an area of ​​the eye; put it from the base of the lashes until the brow, using a flat brush, then remove the excess dust-up with a soft brush corner. Then Put the golden colors directly on the upper part of the eyelid, and make sure access to the inner sides of each eye. Use Beyond the shadows Alkhokhih; put it directly above the golden color, using a soft brush, with the withdrawal of color to the outside to get the desired shape. But make sure not to color mixing with Alon golden eyelids.
Askhaddma black eyeliner pencil soft and stratified on the eyelashes, from the outer corner to the interior, with an attempt to keep your eyes open whenever possible, and then my lashes.
A black Almscara class: Start Balrmosh the bottom first, to get the best results. Should always be applied Almscara after the development of synthetic eyelashes.
Fill any gaps in your eyebrows using eyebrow pencil. Must be a pen color similar to the color of your eyebrows, or a little lighter.
Classless peachy-colored lipstick on the upper lip, using a lip brush, then use the rest of the brush on the lower lip, and do not forget to use your finger to make the color uniform.
Finally: Put Lip Pencil in brown, and I am careful to follow the natural line of the lips. If you would like to color stronger, Aftbaka the lipstick again on the lips, then finished with polished lips to assist in securing the desired color.