Natural masks save you from wrinkles

The wrinkles of the most factors of aging nuisance for the ladies, they begin to appear in the form of fine lines beside the mouth or the corner of the eye after the age of 35, and then the products of nature offers you simple solutions and with the effect of a strong fight against wrinkles and signs of aging forever, Valafraolh pumpkin and olive oil, representing The best solution to the problems of women for if were used in the making of these masks:

1 - mask pumpkin or pumpkin 
You need to:
• ½ cup of pureed pumpkin
• 4 tablespoons of yogurt
• 4 tablespoons of honey
• 1/2 small hanging of cinnamon
Mix all these ingredients you get a mask, Aferdih the skin clean and dry, and leave it to dry completely, then wash with lukewarm water, and national use it twice a week.

2 - pomegranate mask 
You need to:
• cup of oats Yen
• 5 tbsp of fresh pomegranate love
• Two tablespoons of yogurt
Mix all ingredients in a blender then Aferdih on dry clean skin and leave for half an hour and then wash with lukewarm water.

3 - olive oil mask: 
Olive oil is one of the most useful natural products for the skin, whether you capturing the or placing it on the skin, so a national Wash your face thoroughly and then swab with a layer of olive oil and leave for 15 minutes and then wash with lukewarm water.

4 - Mask strawberries: 
This recipe is one of the most important recipes that will help you in maintaining your skin permanently youth and protect them from wrinkles Tstmtaa the radiant skin all the time, and making this mask Bring:
• ½ cup of strawberries beads
• 2 lemon juice
• 4 tablespoons of almond oil or ground almonds
Mix ingredients then Daém on your skin to dry clean, and eventually wash your face with iced water.