Nourishing cream for hair of making your hands

For healthy hair, you need to nourishing cream for hair; Valchampo components of harsh dry hair, and Tools straightening and drying straining hair and make it more prone to break and embrittlement, necessitating the need for attention feed the hair, so as not to be affected by any negative effects, and enjoys vitality endless.
Because the Quran and the oil bath is used once every week or two, then you need to cream daily to nourish hair and maintain the vitality permanently. "Madam Net" advise nourishing cream for your hair, making your hands; from which you can choose the components that you know to be useful for your hair, as this cream does not feed the hair, but also helps oils in it to soften the hair and increased brilliance.
Components that need it are: 
• medical tray Vaseline from the pharmacy.
• tablespoon of shea butter.
• ½ cup of olive oil.
• Half a bottle of castor oil.
• add another kind of useful oil for your hair, such as coconut oil or other.
• 6 capsules of vitamin E.
The steps: 
1 - Put Vaseline in a bowl, and put it in a water bath until softened.
2 - Add the tablespoon shea butter with jelly.
3 - Once the unrelenting Vaseline, a national lifting it from the water bath.
4 - Start by adding olive oil and oils have chosen to your hair.
5 - nationalist empty the contents of vitamin capsules.
6 - Mix the mixture well, then put it in a box or an airtight jar.
7 - Leave to cool, then start by using it on your hair once a day.
8 - You can re-making this cream, with a choice of different oils at a time, to learn what are the most useful for your hair oils.
9 - and if you want to add a pleasant aroma to the Quran, let a few drops of essential oils, such as lavender oil.