Particularly teens: Mickey and fees of Hello Kitty on your teeth

We all know that your orthodontist annoying or even painful, does not give a woman or girl beautiful views, during Atalaladtha normal, not even in pictures; However, the teenage Asian countries such as Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia Adanh today Koxsoar beautiful, especially that cheap , equivalent to the price of regular Accesories, unlike medical devices Calendar price up to U.S. $ 1,200.
The devices counterfeit Calendar up price to only $ 100, can buy a combination of them in different forms of flowers to Mickey Mouse to Hello Kitty, and can be installed by the same person, without the help of any specialist. But the girl's attention to the fact that these devices do not help in counterfeit orthodontics, as each contains lead material, according to the newspaper report "Weiss" face of the British that this information quoted consumer protection agency in Thailand. In addition, the Thai government has made from the sale of counterfeit and imported ingredients and manufactured is illegal.