The Bahraini actress Zainab military of beautiful actresses. Fieunha daring of the most attractive features of her face. Even Ttbaka the distinctive Mkja for military Kmacaiaj eyes Follow these simple steps:
• First: Cleanse your skin, then Put Alkoncelr under eyes, the little powder.
• draw by pen in the corner of the eye kohl Foreign triangle shape to a third eyelid, inside, Amlih the black congregation.
• Put a sandy yellow color lackluster at the beginning of the mobile eyelid, in the inner corner, and then try to incorporate it lightly to pray to the triangle drawn by the congregation, then slightly Ad.h it; but do not pray to last the eye.
• Classless shadow black, and put it on the triangle drawn by the congregation, and well Ad.h.
• Classless violet-colored shadow over Eyelid Muhih moving towards the top with the possibility of wetting the brush with water to illustrate the color.
• Put powder Sarcoma or beige color under the brow.
• then only for Weiner, draw the upper eyelid from the inner corner of the eye, and cross the line a little bit, whenever brought from the outer corner of the eye.
• Draw eyelid down only for novice Liner from the inner corner of the eye, and try to pray Alai line Liner top line of the lower eyelid, what constitutes a corner at the confluence of the two lines.
• Cleanse by promises of cotton swabbed a little cleaner and a little foundation, between black shade which draw on the form of a triangle, and the line between the lower Alai Liner Open at the outer corner.
• Put in place that Nzvth stick cotton sandy colors yellow, then Put black Alvahm Kohl inside the eye.
And finish your eye makeup put thick layer of Almscara the, and do not forget combing eyelashes after placing Almscara