The latest technology to get rid of wrinkles

All women agree to care and their appearance, and always seeking for the beautiful young heroine. And what's more annoying when women look in the mirror is the emergence of signs of advancing age and the passage of years youth, Vtbges to always what renews rejuvenated and hides those pesky lines and wrinkles. Journal of Madam met Dr. Reem Al-Hourani, a physician dermatology and laser surgery, from Group D. Sulaiman Al Habib Medical, for we talked about the latest developments and medical developments in regards to the beauty of women and the elimination of wrinkles, namely injection technology plasma rich in platelets blood Platelet Rich Plasma PRP, from through the following:

Plasma material: 
First of all, explains Dr. Hourani that the plasma is one of the basic components of the blood, and began to be used medically for the first time in open-heart surgery, having observed it helps to heal, even being used now in many areas, such as sports medicine and cosmetic surgery and urology.

Mechanism of action: 
As for the mechanism of action of Technology, has explained Dr. Hourani that the substance of the plasma is characterized by its proximity to the platelets, stem cells Stem Cells and growth factors Growth factors necessary for the production of collagen and cell renewal and the construction and repair of skin tissue, as well as molecules necessary for the correlation between the cells (Cell Adhesion Molecules). Thus, plasma PRP is one of the vital inducers and not of fillers, such as and Botox, which works to increase collagen topically, Vihassan the appearance of the skin and look younger.

And the most important technical advantages, explained Dr. Hourani follows: 
- Devoid of chemicals extracted from the patient's own blood: PRP technology uses extracts from the blood of the person to be treated to bring freshness to the skin and the renewal of collagen, thereby creating skin tight and vibrant. Characterized by technical referred to a lack of external material is injected into the body, since the plasma patient is that the doctor , there is no risk of disease transmission, or an allergic reaction or form swellings, and the plasma free of chemicals, usually show results clearly after the first session.
- A variety of uses: technology uses plasma PRP to tighten the skin around the eyes, improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, as well as in improving the feel and texture of the skin, in the re-freshness to the entire face, in addition to the possibility of use in improving the appearance of the neck wrinkled and re-sparkle to your skin dull, also contribute to hide prominent lines and wrinkles on the back of the hands, while helping to improve hair growth in cases of severe hair loss.
- Quick and lasting results: characterized by plasma PRP injection that its results fast and lasts for a long time. The number of sessions varies, according to the state of the skin. But often no more than three sessions only, the results appear on the texture, appearance and texture of the skin. Continue treatment outcomes for a long time, and one session takes about 60 minutes.
- Very simple procedure: The injection plasma PRP procedure medically very simple, where the doctor uses cream of local anesthesia on the area to be treated, and are taking the amount equivalent to 1020 ml of blood (such as the withdrawal of blood for analysis), then placed the blood sample in a separate samples or centrifugation (centrifuge) for several minutes, during which the separation of plasma from blood, plasma and then taken and injected through a very fine needle under the skin's surface, the entire face, especially in the areas of deep wrinkles and superficial.