The most important therapies and solutions to get rid of dandruff

Although the definition of the crust as dryness of the scalp, they appear more when persons with oily hair. Until today, not a definitive cure her, but treatment is limited to partial control over the crust, and to reduce them.
- If the problem is you have a light crust, wash hair with normal shampoo, once or twice a day, be enough.
- Use a gentle shampoo for sensitive skin, because this powerful plug shampoo may adversely affect them, and increases the problem of dandruff.
- If the shampoo you use normally in does not help in getting rid of dandruff, buy anti-dandruff shampoo, is supposed to feel better within two weeks of use.
- Try different kinds of shampoo to see which is the most convenient for you, and others type of shampoo between now and then, it may be useful for your hair.
- When you find an appropriate anti-dandruff shampoo you, Azba to be used so as not to re-emerge crust.
- If the problem is to have a strong crust, it is best to consult a specialist in dermatology.
- The crust may be caused by a weakness in your health, so make sure to get enough sleep, and eat a healthy diet, as well as avoid activities that cause tension and stress.
- Some foods cause allergies in the skin, and thus lead to the emergence of the crust, such as nuts, chocolate and oysters. Pay attention to the type of food that you eat, and avoid anything that might cause you a certain sensitivity.
- If you feel the need to scratch your head lashes, not tumble nails, so as not to Tsaba any type of inflammation, and instead Use fingertips.
- Aatmra hat to protect your scalp from extreme cold or heat from the sun high.
- Cut down on the use of hair dye and styling products that contain alcohol and cause hair dryly.
- Make sure you get an adequate amount of vitamin B6 in your diet, it helps to avoid the problem of dandruff.
- Massage your scalp fingertips circular movements, to stimulate blood circulation.