The qualities and tips for skin whitening

Here's "Madame Net" the best ways that can be adopted and adhered to, to get a whiter than white skin.
Recipe 1: option, a quarter cup of lemon juice, 5 tablespoons of honey, 5 tablespoons of milk.
Previous mixes ingredients in a blender, then pour into a bowl, and add to it a little flour until the strength of the mask is relatively thick, then leave in the fridge for at least 6 hours. Apply daily for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
Recipe 2: Put a handful of almonds with 5 tablespoons of fresh mint juice and 5 tablespoons of honey in a blender. Apply the mask on the face every day before going to sleep.
• To increase your skin glow and elegance, eat vitamin C, it maintains the infrastructure support collagen. Can increase the amount of vitamin C in the body by eating foods كالحمضيات and strawberries, sweet peppers, tomatoes, cantaloupe, green. It can take vitamin C pills. If you choose to Madam that way, Keep an estimated dose of 250 mg / day only.
• Vitamin A helps the skin vulnerable to regain its strength again; and foods rich in vitamin A are: oysters, egg yolks, milk, watermelon, carrots, papaya, and tomatoes.
Tips and Warnings: 
• If you are a smoker, stop smoking immediately, Smoking reduces blood flow to the face, and leaves your skin gray.
• Do not buy skin lightening products that contain mercury or steroids, they hurt your skin in the long run, they also leave dark marks with prolonged use.
• Tools skin lightening whether products from the market or masks appliances, will not have the benefit, as long as you do not select the sun visor.
• overdose of vitamin C and A may cause nausea and vomiting, severe headaches and lack of clarity in vision.