Tips to strengthen nails

Road in search of the easiest and most effective way to get long nails and beautiful and healthy, we recommend that you follow these simple guidelines and easy to help your nails grow in a healthy and fast.

1 Eat vitamins: The best way to feed and nail in the daily intake of vitamins, especially vitamin "A" and "B" and "C" and "D"; You can also replace the vitamin pills vegetables and fruits rich in nutrients and vitamins.
2 blood flow to the nails: Did you know that the blood flow to your nails is one of the best tips, for immediate growth of the nails? You can do this via the printing on the computer and playing the piano and cooking ...
3 Nzfaha and keep it moist: Do not forget the importance of clean nails and keep them moist, in order to increase the length and strength and health. Use oil in order to keep skin moist, and my protective layer of transparent paint on your nails, order Tmanaaha to cracking and peeling.
4 Eat balanced meals: will not help you eat a balanced diet to maintain your fitness, but also will help you get the longest fingernails in the shortest time. This volatile Beware of diet, as it harms the health of your body and your nails.
5 Avoid installing nails: Despite the ease of installation of nails, but we advise you to stay away, it may prevent your nails from growing.
6 Treat your nails orange juice: squeeze the fruit of the orange and Soak your nails in the juice for ten minutes, then Aguslehm; Fasir orange rich in vitamin "C" and folic acid, which are capable of stimulating the growth of the nails.