10 strange tricks cosmetic mayonnaise and coffee

After we discovered the cosmetic problems common to all the ladies, we collected all the strange plastic Hellna and favorites that can be helpful. So we hope to solve your problems cosmetic frustrated over these ten tricks!
1 to reduce the bulging of the eyes or swollen, national cut peeled potatoes into halves, then Daehma on your eyes for 10 minutes; potatoes will cool your eyes and lead to a decrease any swelling.
2 avoid stray marks Almscara the national convening a plastic spoon above your eyelid, when applying Almscara, until you go to increase the spoon, and not on the lashes
3 when you need to mask treatment for the face, and you do not have time to go to the store, a national using Albeptu medication . Fbnevs way that can destroy oils and acids in your system, it can remove everything from your face. Nationalist using two tablespoons minibuses and Atercehma, for 15 20 minutes.
4 If you have begun to notice cellulite appears in anywhere, Fastkhaddma the coffee Huskers to the body. The caffeine stimulates the skin cells, and use it will make you get rid of dead skin.
5 You need to treat deep Tenaima?! Nationalist remove mayonnaise from the fridge, and put it on your hair for 20 minutes. For more great effectiveness, nationalist using a hair dryer to heat activate more mayonnaise.
6 If dry your nail polish, and it bubbles were visible, it is because the paint has been stored on the elevated temperature. Arise, put paint in refrigerator, the cold temperatures that will work dries fast and smooth way.
7 after doing exercise, you may suffer from the problem of facial redness that lasts for a long time after the end of exercise. In order to combat this, a national take antihistamines is useful to reduce the redness.
8 If you suffer from a problem because of new shoes bother you, nationalist rubbing your feet a little Vaseline on the areas where you find them pimples, in order to reduce abrasion and friction.
9 is very difficult to remove the nail polish that contains glitter. To facilitate this task Belli Qatanna in nail polish remover, but where finger, then Galafia the the aluminum foil for five minutes, you'll wear off quickly luster.
10 Are you on the wheel in order to dry nail polish?! Arise, dip your nails in cold water for three minutes, it will dry up immediately.