3 solutions to get rid of excess facial fat

Often believe that fat is the worst enemy to us. But when it comes to fighting aging, Valdhun is the secret weapon in order to seem more youthful, it provides the ideal size for the face. But a lot of fat, especially in the area of ​​the cheeks and chin, can make you look older than you really are. We all need fat in the face, but if they are many, there are many ways to reduce them:
Salt reduction:
Whenever salt consumed, whenever more water stored inside your body, difficult to distinguish between the real fat and the amount of water in the face. of the sodium content in the food information, and will to know the amount of salt in some of your favorite foods.
Multiply from drinking water:
In general you should drink at least eight glasses of water a day, to help flush out toxins and fats that may be settled in the body.
If this does not diet and exercise to useful results, and you have a lot of stubborn fat (in obvious places such as the chin), you can a doctor about liposuction own face.