5 skin Tabekayaa the resolutions in 2013

It is not necessary to take crucial decisions during the New Year by! of these changes that we recommend you enter into your routine immediately to improve your skin dry the best of a suit.
1 Cleanse your skin
The best way to keep the skin supple clean it well. The secret lies in removing dirt and germs without over-cleansing, which can lead to dry skin. To get a satisfactory result, choose a disinfectant soft on the skin and free of chemicals.
2 Connie natural
The increasing number of natural cosmetics and organic over the past years, it is time to catch up in this fashion. Can use lotions that contain chemicals that harm the skin. 3 Keep your skin moisturised
You need both to skin moisturizing, so we recommend finding a product worthy of your skin for daily use. In addition, make sure to put the cream on the areas that suffer from excessive drought.
Zaidi 4 hours of sleep
Research shows that it gets adequate sleep hours (about eight hours every night) becomes more attractive than others, and this is true! In addition, we advise you choose silk covers for pillows instead of cotton sheeting to prevent wrinkles and maintain the percentage of moisture in the skin.
5 Avoid long steam baths
The skin contains oils protector layer help to maintain the moisture that it stores, to remain soft and full health. However, if the skin washed with hot water for a long time you lose these oils, which leads to dry and signs of premature aging.