The large pores over what bothers women, especially that this problem more clearly on the skin with age, and because prevention is better than cure. It is every woman should use natural masks from the start so as not to worsen their problem, because most of the masks for closing the pores of the skin to be high price dramatically, you Tonic natural orange and lemon, which can save you from this annoying problem.
The orange and lemon Tonic of the most important masks that work to fill the pores and because the oranges and lemons from more fruits rich in vitamin C.
1 - Bring an orange crust and cut into small pieces.
2 - Bring a lemon crust and cut into small pieces also.
3 - Put the chaff on fire with a liter of water and leave to boil until the water becomes semi-quantitative.
4 - descriptive water and put it in the fridge and Apply on a daily basis.
Way used:
1 - Bring Qatanna and Blliha Baltonak.
2 - Wipe your face in a circular motion until Nggay pores and the skin.
3 - the most important element is the daily attendance so SKIN Taatmtaa attractive free of pores.