Whitening gum for brighter smile

Many believe that lightening gum is from technologies developed in the world of dentistry, for reasons purely aesthetic, while experts say gum disease that there are therapeutic reasons as well, the most important renewal and cell activation, healing, kill bacteria, remove lime and solve some gum problems that afflict a person as a result of its daily practices , or because of chronic diseases such as diabetes.
For its part, explained Dr. Susan Abdul Aziz beet, consultant surgery, gum disease and dental implants, in an interview for "Madam Net", that lighten gum is a technique, where Emery or scrape the first layer of gum, to show the color natural change for many reasons on some renews cells gums and gives a healthy appearance.
The different causes that lead to change the color of the gums, the first natural causes, such as genetic factors. For example, a woman with dark skin tend to Ttha to the dark color, and vice versa. There are reasons interceptor cause of this change, such as poor daily habits such as smoking all types, or eating a high temperature, or a high percentage of spices, as well as gum disease cause Bahmrarha, and swelling.
And how to know Ms. If Ttha call lighten in color, set advisory surgery and periodontal disease, Dr. beet those cases, saying: "If you notice the instability of color to Ttha and discolored, from time to time, and out of blood while brushing her teeth, and do not unite their color." Then indicate "beet" to the gum lightening technique existed since ancient times, and specifically in the early nineties, but they were not watch as it is at the moment, and modern methods and techniques that are now.
And about the appropriate mechanism to lighten the gums, emphasizes the "beet" that the use of laser technology instead of technology surgery is the best and most influential, for a variety of medical reasons, the most important that it does not cause any pain, and wound healing periodontal. "But" beet "emphasizes the importance of this type of operation in a timely manner to the dentists specialists in gum disease, as the work is concerned may cause what would bring about some negative effects, such as receding gums, gum color heterogeneity that calls other trips treatment, undoubtedly.
The "beet" to preference "free mouth of Altkissat, and treatment prior to whiten their gums," pointing at the same time that the high awareness among people to public health and aesthetic appearance helped in the development of this technique remarkably, although one of the main conditions for the success of this process is the follow-up the doctor, and stop bad habits daily.